
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stories From Sudan

Hello everyone!

Wow it has been a while since we met in this space. I have missed you here. But like you, I have been mired in work. Although, I have been complaining (a lot and often), it has been an absolute pleasure to read all of your feature articles. I was blown away by your talent, your dedication and all your hard work. Your articles are amazing. The world needs to read them!

I have created a new blog called Stories From Sudan. I would like to have as many of your articles showcased there as possible. The plan is that once they are all submitted and posted, I will share the site with the Dave Eggers and Valentino Deng as a gift.

Because we want to showcase work that we are proud of, which reflect our hard work, there will be some criteria for what makes it to the site. You can work on your article until it meets the following requirements. It must have:
  • scored no lower than a 5 on any criteria. If you did score lower, you can work with me to write another draft and have it ready for publication. 
  • been edited one final time. Please resolve all my comments and be sure to work on the areas I recommended.
  • citations for all your names, quotes, facts, dates, stats, numbers etc....
  • a title, headline and by-line. 
  • any tags that are relevant to your article.
Please make all edits on your google doc and email me your final draft by June 6th. I will then add them all to the blog.

It would be great to have a few student statements about this process:
  • reading the book
  • learning about Sudan
  • messages for Dave or Valentino or the people of Sudan or readers
That we can include on the sites About page.

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