
the elements and the learner profile

It's one thing to have a teacher tell you about a school's values, vision and mission statement, but it is an entirely different experience to really understand and internalize what those elements, traits and characteristics mean to you. We will spend the year trying to familiarize ourselves with the three main features of the UWCSEA experience. I hope that is page can act as a one stop shop for access to the Elements and the Learner Profile to help us build our portfolios.

Inside the circle of the five Elements you will notice the Learner Profile and the Mission and Values.  My hope from all our work is that you begin to authentically "Get it"-- in a way that will help you succeed and gain a level of fulfillment from your learning. Lofty goals, I know.

I have combed through the texts and identified  keywords that we can use as Labels (Tags) on our blogs to help manage where and when we show signs of understanding the Elements and characteristic of the Learner Profile.

Every time you write a post about anything ask yourself,
Does this post shed light on, explore or define any of these terms.
If it does than use that word as a tag. Here are some tags words to help you.

Labels (Tags):

Service, Academic, Outdoor Education, Personal and Social Education, Activities 

Critical Thinker, Problem Solver, Inquiry, Questioning, Connection, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation 

Concerned, Committed, Stewardship, Caring, Empathy, Compassion, Open-minded, Service, Sustainability

Creative and Innovative, Originality, Imagination, Curiosity, Adaptability, Connection, Persistence Risk-taking

Principled, Integrity, Honesty, Responsibility, Respect, Fairness

Collaborative, Cooperation, Participation, Leadership, Flexibility, Adaptability, Responsibility, Trust 

Resilient, Optimistism, Confidence, Courage, Diligence, Perseverance

Communicator, Communication, Interpretation, Perspective, Intent 

Self Aware, Self-discipline, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Reflection 

Self Manager, Metacognition, Independence, Perseverance, Diligence, Organisation, Responsibility

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